Monday, March 11, 2019

What an odd title for a blog, right?

"Tam's Coat" is something I couldn't sleep until I started. It all began March 2019 in Richmond, VA. I was on vacation and passing through to visit my friend Tam. Because we were going to the North Carolina beaches from Toronto, Ontario, I didn't bring a winter coat. I figured I wouldn't need it.

I was wrong.

Tam offered me a coat. Knowing she didn't have a lot of money, I was hesitant to accept. She said she had many, so I agreed. She gave me two. As soon as I put on the blue one, I felt the love she always sends. I felt protected, and happy. That's the influence Tam has on my soul. It felt like I could be my true self in that coat. It was a gift beyond just keeping my body warm; it keeps my soul warm.

I'm not very good at keeping up with projects, so I am not promising anything. I will post when I feel like it, about what I feel like saying. It may not be to your liking. If it isn't, go away. I'm not here to please you.

I'm an avid Facebook user and a rabid Twitter user, but sometimes things are just too long or complicated for those platforms. Sometimes, too, I say things I later wish I had quick and long term access to. I'm going to put that stuff here.

I'm a displaced Southern Crone. An old witch, if you will. I like sweet tea and Jim Beam (not together) and I fry a lot of things. I'm a researcher by trade, although I've been off work over a year due to a motor vehicle accident. Said accident also left me with some minor brain damage so I tend to forget things and repeat stories like an old man.

My "real" website is, which is home to my research stuff, swag options, and my one name study for the surname Pyatt/Piatt. It's currently down for an upgrade. I had to relearn everything due to the brain stuff, so it's taking an inordinate amount of time.

"Tam's Coat" is a place where I will be myself, just like wearing the coat does for me. If you enjoy it, please don't hesitate to comment.

1 comment:

Greta's World

I've been thinking a lot about Greta Thunberg.  She will be 17 in a couple of weeks and is an amazing young activist.  Hats off to her p...