Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Two Steps Back

The other day did something I shouldn't have.  I shied away from a frank answer.

Those of you who know me know just how rare that is.  Usually, I'm TOO frank.  In this special season, it's the absolute worst time to not be honest.

I am a witch.

While I do own a witch hat (or two). a couple of cloaks, and several brooms, that isn't the kind of witch I'm talking about.  Mine is a spiritual journey.  I was born into it but didn't realize that until I was a full fledged, married, mom of two, adult.   One doesn't "become" a witch.  There's no formal process, no courses, no instructions or mentors, unless  you need that and reach out.  Being a witch is more about absolute freedom, responsibility, and a deep thankfulness.  It is in me; not like when I was young and was "in a church".

While I don't believe in the usual concept of a singular, male deity, I won't ever try to convert you.  It simply can't be done.  Being a witch is deeply personal and unfortunately, due to the stigma, something most keep hidden.

The persecution of witches goes back centuries.  When Christianity became mostly puritanical, witches were not only shunned but some even killed.  The term "witch hunt" derives it's meaning from the act of going out and finding witches in order to kill, shame, or criticize them.  It's done without any misbehavior on the part of the witch.  It simply demonizes those who are practicing a different religion.

Witchcraft isn't demonic.  We don't believe in heaven or hell, so the idea of worshiping the devil is ludicrous.  The pentacle, which most witches use, is a pentagram inside a circle.  It is a sign of the faith in nature and the deity symbols we appreciate, as well as a protection from evil.  Today, the pentagram is the most commonly used symbol of Wicca. Some, most often post-Gardnerian wiccans imitating Taoism, associate the five points of the pentagram with the four classical Greek elements (fire, water, earth, and air) and spirit. This is how I use it.  There's a really good website on pentagrams here.

Like organized religions, there are lots of ceremonies.  By the same token, there is no "rule" that you have to do any, or perform anything.  The basic beauty of Wicca (modern pagan witchcraft) is that it is deeply personal.  It is a bond between your human heart and those of the gods and goddesses-which can either be symbolic deities or actual ones.  You don't have any pressure to proselytize  and you don't have any fear of someone with more experience being judgmental.  

Your ceremonies can be as simple as a silent prayer or as elaborate as encompassing very special elements.  It is entered into with a sense of peace as well as a sense of urgency.  Most* begin with drawing a circle, either tangible or in your mind, that creates a boundary between the sacred space and the ordinary world.  

A few days ago, in McDonalds, a woman approached me and asked if I was a witch.  I'm relatively certain she was only curious, but you never know.  Her question was prompted by the pentagram tattoo on my hand.

If I had not been wearing a coat, she would also have seen the tattoo on my left arm.  This is  an  ambigram called the illuminati diamond, created for the book Angels and Demons.  While not a "real" wiccan symbol, it incorporates the elements in a modern style that I really relate to.  My good friend Mike Lang in Ohio did a fantastic job on this one.

I disappointed myself in answering this lovely young woman.  I deflected the answer and instead said something along the line of "isn't that a great tattoo? I love the color."  She was working at McDonalds at the time and blessedly got called away just at that moment. 

Why did I hesitate?  Because still today "witches" are viewed as evil.  Most organized religions, although the mythology and premise is the same as the pagan, do not support or even tolerate witchcraft.  Certainly it's not as stressful as coming out as LGBTQ, but the entry level fear and dread are the same.  The thing is, I though I was past that.

There's more work to do.

*Some Wiccan's start with a ritual bath, a smudging, or other method of clearing "bad" energy out of the sacred space.  Some will also create an altar.

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