Thursday, July 25, 2019

Amos Moses

My sister is turning 50.  She's significantly younger than I am, so how could that be?

Amy is a truly wonderful person.  With husband Tim, they have raised two amazing girls, one off which is just graduated and will attend an ivy league school in the fall.  But this isn't about what a great mom she is.

Always involved in church throughout her life, Amy does everything from keeping the books to singing in the choir.  She does fundraisers, missions work, and bible study.  She's proud of her God, embraces true Christianity, and inspires those around her.  But this isn't about what a great Christian she is.

In the last few years, Amy and her clan have gotten involved in Theatre West Virginia and has been a part of Honey and the Rock, Hatfields and McCoys, a longtime classic as well as other shows.  This troupe has been active since before she was born.  This year, in addition to Hatfields and McCoys, she is taking on Annie.  But this isn't about what a great actress she is.

Back in the mid 1970s, when I was bedridden or had to be in a
wheelchair, Amy took care of me.  She entertained me, pushed the wheelchair, fetched things at my request, and was a great caregiver  Many decades later, she tirelessly helped care for our grandmother, who was in a nursing home after a series of strokes.  Many times per week (sometimes every day) Amy would visit, rub lotion on Gram's aging skin, tidy up errant facial hair and gently brush the baby fine hair Gram was so proud of.  But this isn't about what a great caregiver she is.

So what IS it about?  It's about a woman who has come of age.  Something happens to women around age 50.  We get a more peaceful, wiser, more astute attitude.  We stop fretting over how we look (well, most of us anyway) or how much money we make and start to actually enjoy life.  It's her time.  It's her time to file away all that has gone before and start taking all what is ahead.  It's a time of forgiving, for letting others help more, and for discovering herself in a completely different light.

I'm so excited for her journey.  Turning 50 was a highlight in my life, and I know it will be for her as well.  Today, July 25, 2019, is her birthday.  Aside from Teddy Kennedy pleading guilty to leaving the scene of an accident in Chappaquiddick, and all the excitement of space travel, the birth of Amy Elizabeth Pyatt Taylor was the single most important event globally.

So why is this titled Amos Moses?  Well you'll have to ask her.

PS  JLo turned 50 yesterday too. '69 was a stellar year!

1 comment:

  1. She is also a terrific daughter. We have lovely stories about her and tell them her daughters around. Her birth occurred the same week as the walk on the moon. The maternity ward was to busy they had beds in the halls. The nurses said it was because we were messing with the moon. Amy lights up many lives, brighter than the moon.


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